
Seated Chair Exercises

Our last blog post featured desk exercises for neck tension that can be performed while sitting at your workstation. Today’s post will highlight additional seated chair exercises that can be done right from your desk! These exercises are great  because they only...

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Desk Exercises for Neck Tension

Today’s post will highlight simple stretches for your neck muscles. Despite the sunny and warm spring weather, many of us may find ourselves sitting at a desk and working on a computer for long hours. Sitting with poor posture and for extended periods of time may...

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Warm Up Exercises for Spring Sports

Although it may be hard to believe spring is finally here given the harsh weather we had this past winter, it’s now time for the spring sports season to officially begin! With each sport, it’s important to remember to include a proper warm up and cool down routine...

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Thera-band Exercises for the Upper Body

Today’s post will highlight upper body exercises that can be performed using a thera-band. Thera-bands, also commonly known as exercise bands, are a great piece of exercise equipment to have in order to perform resistive exercise to assist in strengthening your...

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A Healthy Heart: Walking and Easy Stretches

Although American Heart Month has come and gone, it is still important to keep in mind EVERY month why we acknowledge the importance of heart health and ways to keep our hearts healthy. One way to help reduce our risk of developing heart disease is to maintain a...

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Tips for Sitting on an Exercise Ball

For the last topic in our workplace wellness series, today’s post will highlight the added benefit of sitting on an exercise ball throughout your workday. If you missed the last two posts featuring tips to staying healthy at work and tips on how to help minimize jaw...

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Tips for Jaw Clenching and Tension Headaches

Keeping with the theme of workplace wellness, as highlighted in our last blog post featuring tips for staying healthy at work, another area to consider is one that you may not have thought of while working: jaw clenching. Jaw clenching can be a common problem for...

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Helpful Tips to Stay Healthy at Work

Get Moving It’s no surprise that repeatedly sitting for prolonged periods of time can negatively affect the body. Sitting too much can result in muscle aches, stiffness, pain, and possibly injury. In fact, a lack of mobility can lead to poor blood circulation to your...

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Fall Prevention and Safety During Icy Conditions

Although it may not feel like winter outside with the unusually mild temperatures, the winter season is technically upon us and we may find ourselves facing icy conditions during the next few months. Of course, it is best to avoid walking on ice altogether, as many...

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Snow Shoveling Tips

The winter season is upon us, which means we may find ourselves outside shoveling snow.  If not performed correctly, this is repetitive exercise can lead to muscle strain or injury, especially to the lower back or shoulders. To ensure that you’re shoveling safely, the...

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Roland Park

200 W Cold Spring Ln #300
Baltimore, MD 21210

(410) 662-7977


5005 Signal Bell Ln #202
Clarksville, MD 21029

(410) 531-2150

Hunt Valley

Onelife Fitness
126 Shawan Rd, Suite 300
Cockeysville, MD 21030

(443) 318-4242

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