Suffering from Lower Back Pain?

How Exercise Can Help Your Lower Back Pain:

 Are you suffering from low back pain? When your back is hurting, you may just want to lie in bed and rest. This is understandable, but it may not help you get any better. Did you know that moving is actually good for your back? Exercise can strengthen back, core, and leg muscles, helping you support your spine and relieve back pain. However, depending on the cause, severity, and type of back pain you have, some movements are not recommended and may even be harmful. Let’s go over which exercises you should try, and which ones you should be avoiding.  

Do – Partial Crunches:

Lie on the floor on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat. Place your hands behind your neck (or cross them over your chest, whichever is more comfortable for you), then tighten your stomach muscles and raise your shoulders off the floor. As you’re raising your shoulders, you should be exhaling. Do not use your arms to pull your neck. Keep your elbows straight out. Hold this position for a second, then slowly lower back down. Your feet, tailbone, and lower back should maintain contact with the floor at all times. Repeat 8-12 times and keep proper form to prevent excessive stress on your lower back.

Image of woman doing partial crunch

Avoid –  Sit-ups:

Sit-ups may put a lot of pressure on the discs in your spine. While you may think they will help you strengthen your core muscles, it is best to avoid this exercise if you’re struggling with low back pain.

Image of woman doing full situp

Do – Lumbar Extension Stretches:

If you suffer from disc herniation, this exercise may help you. However, if your pain is a result of a vertebrae fracture or spinal stenosis, be very careful. Start by lying on your stomach. Bend your elbows underneath you and keep your palms flat against the surface. Keeping your hips and pelvis in contact with the surface, lift your upper torso off the ground. Only go as high as you feel comfortable. Do 10 repetitions, holding the pose for 10 seconds each time, and work yourself up to 30 seconds.

Image of woman doing prone press-up stretch

Avoid – Burpees:

Burpees are a high impact exercise that are supposed to be done at a high speed. This combination can be detrimental to those who are suffering from low back pain.

Image of three key burpee movements

Do – Sciatic Nerve Stretch:

If you are experiencing radiating pain in the legs, buttocks, calf, and/or foot, then this stretch may benefit you as if follows the path of the sciatic nerve. Stretching the nerve will desensitize it and reduce your pain. Start by lying on your back with your hand behind your knee on the side where you have pain. Flex your knee and then flex your ankle back and forth, holding each position for a few seconds Perform 10 repetitions on each side.

Image of man on back with leg lifted for sciatic nerve stretch

Avoid – Double Leg Lifts:

This movement should be avoided by those with lower back pain. Often times, people use their lower back to hoist their legs in the air, putting pressure on the spine. This is ineffective and may lead to further injury or increased pain.

image of woman on back with both legs lifted for double leg stretch

Still experiencing pain? Request an appointment.

*As a reminder, always discuss any questions or concerns with your physician regarding your own health and dietary needs, as the information written should not replace any medical advice.

Exercises for Toddlers

Although the colder months are quickly approaching, it is still important for you and your family to stay physically active. We’ve previously highlighted exercises that kids can perform using an exercise ball,  and today’s post will focus on simple exercises for toddlers that you can enjoy together. These exercises can encourage your toddler to stay active in a fun and engaging way!

Exercises for Toddlers #PTtip Video

The exercises demonstrated within our #PTtip video include:

  • Seated Hands to Toes Stretch
  • Butterflies
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Frog Hops
  • Wheel Barrow
  • Row-your-Boat

Healthy Diet

In addition to staying active, a diet filled with nutrient rich foods is important for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Not only can we make physical activity fun and engaging, but healthy eating as well! The holiday season is just around the corner, so now is a great time to get creative in the kitchen. You can make festive healthy foods for you and your family to enjoy together. Fruits and vegetables are also an important part of a healthy diet. However, it may be difficult to convince your picky toddler to eat them. Parents should consider using cookie cutters to make fun shapes out of fruits and vegetables, such as pumpkin shaped sweet potato rounds or snowmen-shaped banana or apple slices. Star or snowflake shaped zucchini or cucumber slices are also another fun way to serve vegetables!

Make sure you watch the PTtip video to learn how to properly perform the above exercises, and if you have any questions or would like to make an appointment with one of our physical therapists, give us a call today at 1-855-PT-FIRST!


*As a reminder, always discuss any questions or concerns with your physician regarding your own health and dietary needs, as the information written should not replace any medical advice.

Tips for Relieving Back Pain during your Daily Routine

We hope everyone has been enjoying the fall season! These tips are your first steps to relieving back pain if you experience it throughout the day. If you missed our first post on back pain, which offered three simple stretches for the lower back, you can view it here. The tips provided today within our PTtip video easy to implement and focus on a variety of different circumstances that may contribute to back pain:

The tips offered within our PTtip video focus on relieving back pain by:

  • Using a pillow while sleeping for lumbar support and to relieve knee, hip, & lower back pain.
  • Carrying one’s bag, purse, or briefcase properly to avoid catering to one side of the body.
  • Viewing one’s cellphone screen with proper posture to relieve upper cervical spine pain.
  • How to relieve lower back pain when standing for prolonged periods of time.

Relieve Your Back Pain with These Tips


Don’t Forget Healthy Eating

The winter season is approaching and it is a popular time for fall related activities like visiting a local apple orchard or pumpkin patch. There is still time to experiment with different in-season fruits and vegetables that are now at their peak!

One in-season vegetable to consider trying are Brussels sprouts. High in vitamin C and a good source of dietary fiber, Brussels sprouts can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. For example, you can roast them in the oven with a drizzle of olive oil and your favorite spices, or even steam them before adding them to your favorite pasta, stir-fry, or salad dishes!

Of course, it wouldn’t be the fall season without mentioning pumpkin. Pumpkin is an excellent source of vitamin A and vitamin C. Pumpkin can be enjoyed in many ways, either in its whole or pureed form. So, if you’re interested in experimenting with pureed pumpkin, consider making homemade baked goods such as bread or muffins, blending pumpkin into a festive fall smoothie, or even homemade making pumpkin soup- perfect to try during the colder temperatures!

Make sure you watch the PTtip videos to learn different ways to help with relieving back pain, and if you have any questions or would like to make an appointment with one of our physical therapists, give us a call today at 1-855-PT-FIRST!


*As a reminder, always discuss any questions or concerns with your physician regarding your own health and dietary needs, as the information written should not replace any medical advice.




Produce for Better Health Foundation. (n.d.) Brussels Sprouts. Nutrition. Selection. Storage. Retrieved from

Produce for Better Health Foundation. (n.d.) Pumpkin. Nutrition. Selection. Storage. Retrieved from

Warm Up Exercises for Runners

The fall season is a popular time for enjoying time outside, training for fall sports, and participating in road races now that the cooler, crisp temperatures are here. Whether you’ve signed up for a local running race or simply just enjoy heading outside for a run, today’s post will highlight some of our favorite warm up exercises that can be added into your workout routine before you head out for your next run:

PTtip Video Warm Up Exercises for Running

The exercises demonstrated within the PTtip video include:

  • Calf and Hip Flexor Stretch
  • Frankenstein Exercise targeting the hamstrings
  • Walking Forward Lunges with Twist targeting the lower extremity & lower back


Remember to stay properly hydrated! Keeping hydrated is just as important during the cooler months as it is in the warmer months. This may be harder to remember when you’re not sweating, or when you don’t feel as thirsty. To help you keep hydrated, try enjoying some of the fall produce that is now abundantly available. Certain fruits and veggies like broccoli and apples have a high water content.  This can help contribute to your fluid intake. Not only will they help you keep hydrated, but they will supply your body with healthy nutrients as well! For breakfast, try adding fresh apple slices to salads, yogurt, or oatmeal. For lunch or dinner, consider adding and broccoli florets to pasta, garden salads, or casserole dishes. These are just a couple of the many ways to enjoy these in-season produce options. Keeping a reusable water bottle with you is another easy way to help remind you to stay hydrated!

Make sure you watch the PTtip video to learn how to properly perform the above warm up exercises, and if you have any questions or would like to make an appointment with one of our physical therapists, give us a call today at 1-855-PT-FIRST!


*As a reminder, always discuss any questions or concerns with your physician regarding your own health and dietary needs, as the information written should not replace any medical advice.

Exercises for Kids using an Exercise Ball

Although the summer is over and the school year has begun, it is still important to remember to get an adequate amount of daily physical activity not only for you but your kids as well! Today on the blog, we’ll be highlighting exercises for kids using an exercise ball. Prior to sitting on and performing exercises using an exercise ball, it is important to determine which size works best for you. Therefore, make sure to watch our PTtip video where Dr. Maureen Ambrose, PT, DPT, OCS, OMPT, shares her own tips on how to choose the right size:

Exercise Ball Tips PTtip Video

Now that you know which size to choose, our PTtip video explains both how to properly sit on an exercise ball while doing schoolwork and demonstrates fun, engaging exercises using the exercise ball, such as a simple game of catch and the classic game of ‘hot potato,’ that your kids can perform that target the core, arm, and back muscles:

Exercises for Kids using an Exercise Ball PTtip Video

The fall season is officially here, and with a new season also comes an array of new in-season produce options to try! For example, you may spot a wide variety of squashes at your local grocery stores or farmer’s markets. One type of squash that is now in-season is delicata squash. Delicata squash is an excellent source of vitamin A and also a good source of vitamin C. Simply roasting in the oven by halving the squash, scooping out the seeds, and seasoning with a drizzle of olive oil can be an easy way to try this vegetable to see if you like it! Another in-season produce option to enjoy this time of year is pears. Several varieties are available, and this fruit supplies a great amount of dietary fiber. One creative way to enjoy pears is by making homemade pear sauce just as you would with apples!

Make sure you watch both PTtip videos to learn how to choose the right size exercise ball and how to properly perform exercises that your kids can do with an exercise ball. If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment with one of our physical therapists, give us a call today at 1-855-PT-FIRST!



Produce for Better Health Foundation. (n.d.). Delicata Squash: Nutrition. Selection. Storage. Retrieved from

Produce for Better Health Foundation. (n.d.). Pear: Nutrition. Selection. Storage. Retrieved from


*As a reminder, always discuss any questions or concerns with your physician regarding your own health and dietary needs, as the information written should not replace any medical advice.

Lower Body Exercises

We hope September has been off to a great start for everyone! Last month’s post highlighted several quick and easy lower body exercises that you can incorporate into your exercise routine. In case you missed it, you can read it here.

For today’s post, we’ll be sharing additional exercises that specifically target the lower body. Try adding these into your exercise routine for a revamped workout!

The Lower Body Exercises Demonstrated Within the Video Include:

  • Lower Leg Stretch with a Thera-Band
  • Heel Raises with and without Weights
  • Farmer’s Walk on Toes
  • Pivoting Curtsy Lunge
  • Dumbbell Split Jumps

Leg Exercises PTtip Video


Additional Tip

Now that September is officially here, many of us are gearing up for the upcoming football season. Are you planning on hosting weekly game day gatherings to cheer on your favorite team? If so, consider incorporating healthier versions of your favorite game day snacks! These are not only tasty, but easy-to-make as well! There are several varieties of apples available throughout the fall months. One creative way to incorporate them into your game day party is by baking homemade apple chips. You can also bake homemade chips using sweet potatoes, another in-season produce option! Another idea to consider is baking sliced zucchini topped with tomato sauce and a sprinkle of cheese to serve as mini ‘pizza’ bites. Lastly, cauliflower is highly versatile and can be another great option to incorporate when planning your menu. An easy way to enjoy cauliflower is by oven-roasting florets and seasoning them with your favorite spices and Parmesan cheese!

Make sure you watch the PTtip video to learn how to properly perform the above exercises, and if you have any questions or would like to make an appointment with one of our physical therapists, give us a call today at 1-855-PT-FIRST!








*As a reminder, always discuss any questions or concerns with your physician regarding your own health and dietary needs, as the information written should not replace any medical advice.