Pain Science: Dry Needling 3 – Theory Webinar

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Pain Science: Dry Needling 3 – Theory Webinar

Instructor: Jan Dommerholt, PT, DPT, MPS, DAAPM
Clock Hours: Four (4) contact hours
Grading method: online multiple-choice exam and passing score is ≥70%.


Instructional methods

  • Webinar



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  • Calvo-Lobo, C, Pacheco-Da-Costa, S & Hita-Herranz, E, 2017. Efficacy of Deep Dry Needling on Latent Myofascial Trigger Points in Older Adults With Nonspecific Shoulder Pain: A Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial Pilot Study. J Geriatr Phys Ther, 40, 63-73.
  • Fernández De Las Peñas, C, Layton, M & Dommerholt, J, 2015. Dry needling for the management of thoracic spine pain. J Man Manip Ther, 23, 147-153.
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  • Perez-Palomares, S, Olivan-Blazquez, B, Arnal-Burro, AM, Mayoral-Del Moral, O, Gaspar-Calvo, E, De-La-Torre-Beldarrain, ML, Lopez-Lapena, E, Perez-Benito, M, Ara-Loriente, V & Romo-Calvo, L, 2009. Contributions of myofascial pain in diagnosis and treatment of shoulder pain. A randomized control trial. BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 10, 92.
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  • Martin-Pintado-Zugasti, A, Rodriguez-Fernandez, AL & Fernandez-Carnero, J, 2016. Postneedling soreness after deep dry needling of a latent myofascial trigger point in the upper trapezius muscle: Characteristics, sex differences and associated factors. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil, 29, 301-308.
  • Mahmoudzadeh, A, Rezaeian, ZS, Karimi, A & Dommerholt, J, 2016. The effect of dry needling on the radiating pain in subjects with discogenic low-back pain: A randomized control trial. J Res Med Sci, 21, 86.
  • Brennan, KL, Allen, BC & Maldonado, YM, 2017. Dry Needling Versus Cortisone Injection in the Treatment of Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome: A Noninferiority Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 47, 232-239.
  • Casale, R, Ceccherelli, F, Buttacchio, G, Calabrese, M, Labeeb, A & Symeonidou, Z, 2017. Dry needling reverses vibration-induced changes in spinal motoneuronal pool: is there any basis for its action on muscle tone? J Pain Relief, 6, 2.
  • Salom-Moreno, J, Sanchez-Mila, Z, Ortega-Santiago, R, Palacios-Cena, M, Truyol-Dominguez, S & Fernandez-De-Las-Penas, C, 2014. Changes in spasticity, widespread pressure pain sensitivity, and baropodometry after the application of dry needling in patients who have had a stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 37, 569-579.
  • Mendigutia-Gomez, A, Martin-Hernandez, C, Salom-Moreno, J & Fernandez-De-Las-Penas, C, 2016. Effect of Dry Needling on Spasticity, Shoulder Range of Motion, and Pressure Pain Sensitivity in Patients With Stroke: A Crossover Study. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 39, 348-358.
  • Dilorenzo, L, Traballesi, M, Morelli, D, Pompa, A, Brunelli, S, Buzzi, MG & Formisano, R, 2004. Hemiparetic shoulder pain syndrome treated with deep dry needling during early rehabilitation: a prospective, open-label, randomized investigation. J Musculoskeletal Pain, 12, 25-34.
  • Calvo, S, Quintero, I & Herrero, P, 2016. Effects of dry needling (DNHS technique) on the contractile properties of spastic muscles in a patient with stroke: a case report. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 39, 372-376.
  • Calvo, S, Navarro, J, Herrero, P, Del Moral, R, De Diego, C & Marijuán, PC, 2017. Electroencephalographic changes after application of dry needling [DNHS_ Technique] in two patients with chronic stroke. MYOPAIN, online 1-6.
  • Pavkovich, R, 2015. Effectiveness of Dry Needling, Stretching, and Strengthening to Reduce Pain and Improve Function in Subjects with Chronic Lateral Hip and Thigh Pain: A Retrospective Case Series. Int J Sports Phys Ther, 10, 540-551.
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  • Gonzalez-Perez, LM, Infante-Cossio, P, Granados-Nunez, M, Urresti-Lopez, FJ, Lopez-Martos, R & Ruiz-Canela-Mendez, P, 2015. Deep dry needling of trigger points located in the lateral pterygoid muscle: Efficacy and safety of treatment for management of myofascial pain and temporomandibular dysfunction. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal, 20, e326-333.
  • Mesa-Jimenez, JA, Sanchez-Gutierrez, J, De-La-Hoz-Aizpurua, JL & Fernandez-De-Las-Penas, C, 2015. Cadaveric validation of dry needle placement in the lateral pterygoid muscle. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 38, 145-150.
  • Kearns, G, Gilbert, KK, Allen, B, Sizer, PS, Jr., Brismee, JM, Pendergrass, T, Lierly, M & York, D, 2018. Accuracy and safety of dry needle placement in the piriformis muscle in cadavers. J Man Manip Ther, 26, 89-96.
  • Brady, S, Mcevoy, J, Dommerholt, J & Doody, C, 2014. Adverse events following dry needling: A prospective survey of Chartered Physiotherapists. J Manual Manipul Ther, 22, 134-140.
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  • Jung, JW, Kim, SR, Jeon, SY, Bang, SR, Kim, YH & Lee, SE, 2014. Cardiac Tamponade Following Ultrasonography-Guided Trigger Point Injection. J Musculoskeletal Pain, 22, 389–391.
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  • Ji, GY, Oh, CH, Choi, WS & Lee, JB, 2015. Three cases of hemiplegia after cervical paraspinal muscle needling. Spine J, 15, e9-13.
  • Domenicucci, M, Marruzzo, D, Pesce, A, Raco, A & Missori, P, 2017. Acute Spinal Epidural Hematoma After Acupuncture: Personal Case and Literature Review. World Neurosurg, 102, 695 e611-695 e614.
  • Soriano, PK, Bhattarai, M, Vogler, CN & Hudali, TH, 2017. A Case of Trigger-Point Injection-Induced Hypokalemic Paralysis. Am J Case Rep, 18, 454-457.
  • Ganesh, GS, Singh, H, Mushtaq, S, Mohanty, P & Pattnaik, M, 2016. Effect of cervical mobilization and ischemic compression therapy on contralateral cervical side flexion and pressure pain threshold in latent upper trapezius trigger points. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 20, 477-483.
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  • Rojo et al 2016. Efectividad de la terapia combinada de compression isquémica con estiramiento poscontracción isométrica para la recuperación del rango de movimiento cervical en el tratamiento de puntos gatillo. Fisioterapia, 38(2):85-89
  • Stuner, A & Delafontaine, A, 2016. Compression ischémique des points gâchettes du trapèze supérieur chez la personne âgée. Revue de kinésithérapie, 16, 17–22.
  • Webb, TR & Rajendran, D, 2016. Myofascial techniques: What are their effects on joint range of motion and pain? – A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 20, 682-699.
  • Bohlooli, N, Ahmadi, A, Maroufi, N, Sarrafzadeh, J & Jaberzadeh, S, 2016. Differential activation of scapular muscles, during arm elevation, with and without trigger points. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 20, 26-34.
  • Schneider, K, Sohn, S, Licht, G, Dommerholt, J & Von Piekartz, H, submitted for publication. Do active myofascial trigger points alter the muscle activation pattern of five select shoulder muscles during controlled arm abduction? Short-term effects of placebo-controlled myofascial therapy on muscle activation patterns.
  • Bowen, AG, Goff, LM & Mcgowan, CM, 2017. Investigation of myofascial trigger points in equine pectoral muscles and girth-aversion behavior. J Equine Veterinary Science, 48, 154–160.
  • Kuan, TS, Lin, YC, Lien, WC, Hsieh, PC, Chung, YT, Lin, SH & Chou, LW, 2015. The Effect of Monochromatic Infrared Photo Energy on the Irritability of Myofascial Trigger Spot of Rabbit Skeletal Muscle. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2015, 816956.
  • Jafri, MS, 2014. Mechanisms of Myofascial Pain. Int Sch Res Notices, 2014.

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